Constituency Parsing

Constituency parsing software is installed!

Next I’ll need to create a CFG from parsed sentences. I’ll save that problem until I’m able to implement my CFG in code. That way I can make CFG design issues on its needs, not based on a parsed sentence string format.

Generation Algorithm

Next I’ll need to solve the infinite recursion problem with random sentence generation from a CFG.


Nonterminal symbols:
S -> NP VP
NP -> NN
VP -> V

Terminal symbols:
V -> run | walk | am | is
NN -> boy | dog | ball | lady
ADJ -> small | good
DO -> dog
DT -> the

Algorithm Idea

The algorithm needs to randomly generate a sentence from all allowable sentences stored in the CFG. This process entails starting with a root symbol (S above), and repeatedly expanding symbols until all nonterminal symbols have become one of their possible terminal symbols.

The issue is in the recursive structure of the CFG (e.g. NP is expandable to ADJ NP). Since recursive definitions are allowable, infinite expansion is possible.

  • NP is expanded to ADJ NP
  • NP in the expansion is itself expanded to ADJ NP
  • And so on to infinity
Nonterminal Expansion Current State
ADJ small small NP VP
NP ADJ NP small good NP VP

Eli Bendersky developed an algorithm (and released the Python code into the public domain) to solve the problem by lowering each chosen expansion’s future probability of being chosen again.

The idea seems like it will work for me; I am discussing my possible implementation with Dr. Nitin Agarwal.

I’ve summarized the algorithm’s basic idea below.

Algorithm Example Output

set p(all rules) = 1.0 Sentence = S

Recursive Call # 1 S expanded to NP VP p(S -> NP VP) decreased Sentence = NP VP

Recursive Call # 2 NP expanded to ADJ NP p(NP -> ADJ NP) decreased Sentence = ADJ NP VP

Recursive Call # 3 ADJ expanded to small p(ADJ -> small) decreased Sentence = small NP VP

Recursive Call # 4 now p(NP -> ADJ NP) < p(NP -> NN) so NP -> NN chosen NP expanded to NN p(NP -> NN) decreased Sentence = small NN VP

Recursive Call # 5 NN expanded to ball p(NN -> ball) decreased Sentence = small ball VP

Recursive Call # 6 VP expanded to V p(VP -> V) decreased Sentence = small ball V

Recursive Call # 7 V expanded to run p(V -> run) decreased Sentence = small ball run

All symbols are terminal (base case of recursion), so all calls return.